Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum vitae adalah ekspresi Latin yang dapat longgar diterjemahkan sebagai [yang] perjalanan hidup [saya]. Dalam penggunaan saat ini, kurikulum kurang ditandai sebagai loanword asing. Secara tradisional vitae kata diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan æ ligatur, maka Vitae, meskipun konvensi ini adalah kurang umum dalam praktek kontemporer.
Jamak dari curriculum vitae, dalam bahasa Latin, dibentuk mengikuti aturan Latin tata bahasa sebagai kurikulum vitae, dan digunakan bersama dengan kurikulum vitarum, yang keduanya diperdebatkan sebagai lebih tata bahasa yang benar dari yang lain.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, bentuk jamak dari ekspresi penuh curriculum vitae jarang digunakan; jamak dari kurikulum sendiri biasanya ditulis sebagai "kurikulum", daripada kurikulum tradisional.

Sebuah curriculum vitae (sering disingkat CV atau vita) adalah gambaran tertulis dari pengalaman seseorang dan kualifikasi lainnya untuk kesempatan kerja. Di beberapa negara, CV biasanya item pertama yang potensial pertemuan majikan mengenai pencari kerja dan biasanya digunakan untuk menyaring pelamar, sering diikuti dengan wawancara. Riwayat Hidup juga dapat diminta untuk pelamar untuk postsecondary program, beasiswa, hibah dan beasiswa. Pada 2010-an, beberapa pelamar memberikan teks elektronik dari CV mereka untuk majikan menggunakan email, situs kerja online atau menggunakan layanan jaringan sosial berorientasi pekerjaan situs ', seperti LinkedIn.
Di Inggris, sebagian besar negara-negara Persemakmuran, dan Irlandia, CV adalah singkat (biasanya maksimal dua sisi kertas A4), dan karena itu hanya berisi ringkasan sejarah pekerjaan pencari kerja, kualifikasi, pendidikan, dan beberapa informasi pribadi. Hal ini mirip dengan resume di Amerika Utara. Beberapa bagian Asia membutuhkan foto pelamar, tanggal lahir, dan informasi gaji terbaru. Riwayat Hidup sering disesuaikan dengan mengubah penekanan dari informasi sesuai dengan posisi tertentu yang pencari kerja yang menerapkan. Sebuah CV juga dapat diperluas untuk mencakup halaman tambahan untuk publikasi pencari kerja jika ini penting untuk pekerjaan itu.
Di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Australia, Jerman, dan India, CV adalah dokumen yang komprehensif yang digunakan di kalangan akademisi dan karir medis yang menguraikan pendidikan, publikasi, dan prestasi lainnya. Sebuah CV berisi detail yang lebih besar daripada resume, ringkasan pendek yang lebih sering digunakan dalam aplikasi untuk pekerjaan, tetapi sering diharapkan profesional menggunakan CV singkat yang menyoroti fokus saat kehidupan akademis mereka dan tidak selalu penuh sejarah mereka. Sebuah CV umumnya digunakan saat melamar posisi di akademisi, sementara resume umumnya digunakan saat melamar posisi dalam industri, non-profit, dan sektor publik.

Tujuan dari curriculum vitae (CV atau) adalah untuk menampilkan sejarah penuh kredensial akademis Anda (misalnya, pengajaran, penelitian, penghargaan, publikasi, dan akademis atau profesional afiliasi terkait). Ini akan lebih mudah untuk mengembangkan dan mengatur CV Anda jika Anda membuat kebiasaan konsisten listing prestasi dan pengalaman segera setelah selesai mereka selama masa pascasarjana Anda.
5W1H ( SLIDE 6)
Apa Perbedaan Antara CV dan Resume?
·         Sebuah CV adalah dokumen yang mendalam yang dapat ditata lebih dari dua atau lebih halaman dan berisi tingkat tinggi detail tentang prestasi Anda, banyak lebih dari sekedar sebuah biografi karir. CV meliputi pendidikan serta setiap prestasi lain seperti publikasi, penghargaan, kehormatan dll,

Dokumen tersebut cenderung diatur secara kronologis dan harus membuatnya mudah untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang karir kerja individu penuh. Sebuah CV adalah statis dan tidak berubah untuk posisi yang berbeda, perbedaan akan berada di surat lamaran.

·         Sebuah resume adalah dokumen ringkas biasanya tidak lebih dari satu halaman sebagai dimaksudkan pembaca tidak akan diam di dokumen Anda untuk waktu yang lama.
Siapa yang membuat CV?
·         Seseorang yang ingin melamar posisi di akademisi
Kapan menggunakan cv sebuah?
·         ketika Anda melamar pekerjaan
·         di Wawancara untuk membaca sambil menunggu untuk dipanggil
Dimana CV biasanya menempel / dilampirkan?
·         setelah surat lamaran kerja

Mengapa melamar pekerjaan harus dimasukkan CV?
·         sebagai identitas pemohon dan filter seseorang
·         cara untuk cepat dan ringkas menyampaikan keterampilan dan kualifikasi seseorang
SLIDE 12 & 13
Bagaimana menulis CV yang baik?
·         Tahu apa yang harus dimasukkan dan bagaimana format informasi.
·         Pilih format yang sesuai (Pastikan Anda memilih kurikulum Format vitae yang sesuai untuk posisi yang Anda lamar. Jika Anda mengajukan permohonan beasiswa, misalnya, Anda akan tidak perlu menyertakan informasi pribadi yang mungkin termasuk dalam CV internasional).
·         pendek
·         mudah dibaca
·         logis memerintahkan
·         menulis tidak kecil atau besar
·         menghindari menulis seluruh kalimat dan jika kalimat hanya singkat
·         tidak ada ejaan atau tata bahasa kesalahan !!!!!!
·          harus sesuai pos yang Anda lamar

  • Opportunity      : kesempatan
  • Encounters       : pertemuan
  • Seeker              : pencari
  • Commowealth  : persemakmuran
  • Extended          : luas
  • Elaborate         ; rumit
  • Greater             : lebih besar
  • Necessarily      : perlu
  • Formed            : dibentuk
  • Debated           : diperdebatkan


Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae (often shortened CV or vita) is a written overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for a job opportunity. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview. CVs may also be requested for applicants to postsecondary programs, scholarships, grants and bursaries. In the 2010s, some applicants provide an electronic text of their CV to employers using email, an online employment website or using a job-oriented social networking service' website, such as LinkedIn.
In the United Kingdom, most Commonwealth countries, and Ireland, a CV is short (usually a maximum of two sides of A4 paper), and therefore contains only a summary of the job seeker's employment history, qualifications, education, and some personal information. It is akin to a resume in North America. Some parts of Asia require applicants' photos, date of birth, and most recent salary information. CVs are often tailored to change the emphasis of the information according to the particular position for which the job seeker is applying. A CV can also be extended to include an extra page for the jobseeker's publications if these are important for the job.
In the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, and India, a CV is a comprehensive document used in academic circles and medical careers that elaborate on education, publications, and other achievements. A CV contains greater detail than a résumé, a shorter summary which is more often used in applications for jobs, but it is often expected that professionals use a short CV that highlights the current focus of their academic lives and not necessarily their full history. A CV is generally used when applying for a position in academia, while a resume is generally used when applying for a position in industry, non-profit, and the public sector.

The purpose of a curriculum vitae (or CV) is to display a full history of your academic credentials (e.g., teaching, research, awards, publications, and related academic or professional affiliations). It will be easier to develop and organize your CV if you make a habit of consistently listing your accomplishments and experiences immediately following their completion during your graduate tenure.
What's the Difference Between a CV and a Resume?
·         A CV is an in-depth document that can be laid out over two or more pages and it contains a high level of detail about your achievements, a great deal more than just a career biography. The CV covers your education as well as any other accomplishments like publications, awards, honours etc.
The document tends to be organised chronologically and should make it easy to get an overview of an individual’s full working career. A CV is static and doesn’t change for different positions, the difference would be in the cover letter.
·         A resume is a concise document typically not longer than one page as the intended the reader will not dwell on your document for very long.
Who makes a CV?
·         Someone who wants to apply for a position in academia
When to use a cv?
·         when you are applying for a job
·         at Interviews to read while waiting to be called in
Where is CV usually attached?
·         after job application letter
Why apply for a job should be included CV?
·         as the applicant's identity and one's filter
·         a way to quickly and concisely convey one’s skills and qualifications
How to write a good CV?
  • Know what to include and how to format the information.
  • Choose an appropriate format.( Make sure you choose a curriculum vitae format that is appropriate for the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a fellowship, for example, you won't need to include the personal information that may be included in an international CV).
  • Short
  • easy to read
  • logical ordered
  • writing not to small or to big
  • avoid writing whole sentences and if just short sentences
  • no spelling or grammar mistakes !!!!!!
  • should suit the post you are applying for

  • Opportunity      : kesempatan
  • Encounters       : pertemuan
  • Seeker              : pencari
  • Commowealth  : persemakmuran
  • Extended          : luas
  • Elaborate         ; rumit
  • Greater             : lebih besar
  • Necessarily      : perlu
  • Formed            : dibentuk
  • Debated           : diperdebatkan


Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017


1.       Simple Present
Active   : Painter write the wide of the land
Passive : The wide of the land is written by the summer
2.       Present Future
Active   : I Will dig the soil
Passive : The soil Will be dug by me
3.       Present Perfect
Active   : He has stir the cement
Passive : The cement has been stir by him
4.       Present Continous
Active   : He is drilling the wall
Passive : The wall is being drilled
5.       Present Future Perfect
Active   : We will have measured the field
Passive : The field will have been measured by us
6.       Present Future Continous
Active   : I will have been installing the progamme
Passive                 : The progamme will have been being instalied by me
7.       Present Perfect Continous
Active   : She has been Drinking an orange juice
Passive : An orange juice have been being drunk by her
8.       Present Future Perfect Continous
Active   : He will have  been hitting the drum
Passive                 : The drum will have been being hit by her
9.       Simple Past
Active   : My father cut the wood
Passive : The wood was cut by my father
10.   Past future
Active   : I would Climb the tree
Passive                 : The tree Would be climeed by me
11.   Past Perfect
Active   : Rudi had excauated the land
Passive : The Land had been excauanted by rudi
12.   Simple Past
Active   : My Brother landfiield the house
Passive : The house was landfilled by my brother
13.   Past Continous
Active   : I was drilling the ground
Passive : the ground was being drilied by me
14.   Past Future Perfect
Active   : I would Have measured the wide of the house
Passive                 : The wide of the house have been measured by me
15.   Past Future Continous
Active   : The Builder would be asphalting the street
Passive : The street would be being asphalted by the builder
16.   Past Perfect Continous
Active   : He had been istalling the brick
Passive : the brick had been being istallied by him
17.   Past Future Perfect Continous
Active   : The Buileder would have been building a tower
Passive                 : A tower would have been being built by the builder
18.   Simple Present
Active   : He welds the door
Passive : The door is weld by him
19.   Present Future
Active   : My father will tack the raber
Passive                 : The raber will be tacked by my father
20.   Present Future
Active   : The builder Has hored the ceramic
Passive : The ceramic has been honed by the builder
21.   Present Continous
Active   : They Are building that house
Passive : That house is being built by them
22.   Present Future Continous
Active   : Designeer will have Design A beautiful tower
Passive : A beautiful Tower have been design by the designeer
23.   Present Future Continous
Active   : Repaired will have been repairing the canal
Passive : The canal will have been being repaired
24.   Simple Past
Active   : Builder grind the cement
Passive                 : The cement was grind by me builder
25.   Past Future
Actove : The manager would observe the field
Passive : The field would be observed by the manager
26.   Past Perfect
Active   : The builder had flattered the ground
Passive : The ground had been flattered by the builder
27.   Past Continous
Active   : I was mixing the cement
Passive : The cement was being mixed by me
28.   Past Future Perfect
Active   : Driver Would Have Transported the supplies
Passive                 : The Supplies would have been transported by the driver
29.   Past Future Continous
Active   : She would be Analyting the data
Passive : The data would be being analyted by her
30.   Past Perfect Continous
Active   : The had Been Printing the paper
Passive                 : The paper Had been being Printed by him